Joining RCA
Q: Who joins the Research Chefs Association (RCA)?
A: Anyone working in or interested in the product development segment of the food industry may join this professional association which includes culinary and food science professionals, Culinology® professionals, educators, students, business professionals in sales or marketing, and media professionals.
Q: Why join the RCA? What are the benefits of membership?
A: There are many benefits of membership. These include subscriptions to RCA’s biweekly Culinology Currents and related publications; access to members-only online features, such as the membership directory and RCA Connect; access to current job postings through the online Employment Network; invitations to national and regional networking events as well as continuing education workshops; discounts to the RCA Conference, other events and certification programs; and much, much more. View a complete list of benefits.
Q: How do I join, and how much are annual dues?
A: Joining online is the easiest and fastest way to begin your membership with RCA. Click here to begin the quick application process. There are several membership categories, each with corresponding dues rates, for professionals, organizations, and students.
Q: What if I want to pay my dues by check?
A: Fill out the online application form (new members only) and, when prompted for payment, select to pay by check. Mail your check to RCA's payment address: PO Box 2144, Lexington, KY 40588-2144; please include a copy of your application or include the invoice number on your payment.
Q: What is Culinology®?
A: RCA members are the pioneers of the discipline of Culinology — the blending of culinary arts and the science of food. Culinology®, a registered trademark of RCA, is a fast-growing discipline that has evolved from the valuable partnership between the culinary professionals and scientists who develop today’s finest food products. Read more about the RCA and our mission and vision.
Current Members
Q: I have moved and/or changed contact information. How do I update my new information with RCA Headquarters?
A: RCA has an online feature called My Profile, which allows you to join, renew and update your member profile online at your own convenience. Login to the members-only area on the homepage at On your first visit you will need to complete a one-time activation process, and then you’ll be set up to access your profile at any time.
Q: When do I need to renew my annual RCA membership?
A: Renewal notices are sent annually by email, based on your membership anniversary date, with the convenient opportunity to pay by credit card. For new members, your membership anniversary date is one year from your join month.
Q: How do I find other members?
A: You can use the RCA’s online membership community, RCA Connect, to search the RCA membership directory. Simply login to the RCA website, click directory and search using the form or insert “%” into any field to pull a full list.
Q: How can I informally share my knowledge with other members?
A: Participate in our online, connected community, RCA Connect. Post questions and concerns ranging from restaurant tips for foreign travel, to tips on equipment and ingredient sourcing, to technical issues about production. You can also share documents easily without clogging up your inbox. Join the conversation today!
Q: How and when do I renew my Certification?
A: Certified Research Chefs™ (CRC®) and Certified Culinary Scientists™ (CCS®) certifications must be renewed every five years to remain applicable. To learn more, visit our certification renewal page, which describes the required documentation requirements, timeline, fees, and application.
Q: What discounts am I eligible for as a member of RCA?
A: You are eligible for several discounts to events, including the RCA Conference, regional events, and continuing education workshops. You are also eligible for a discount on the CRC and CCS certification application. RCA members also receive notification of special promotions, such as free or discounted rates to industry events when available.
Q: I am looking for a job and/or internship in the food product development industry. How can RCA help?
A: Start with RCA’s Employment Network. Log on to access the up-to-date posting of job and internship openings. In addition, make use of the membership directory and networking events that RCA offers. Getting involved in RCA is the best way to make the contacts and build the relationships that will help you advance your career.
Q: I want to get more involved with RCA. How can I get started?
A: RCA has many member volunteers who help make things happen for the organization. If you are interested in getting involved at the board level, contact the Nominations and Board Development Committee. If you are interested in getting involved at the committee level, review a list of RCA committees and contact the appropriate chair or co-chair of that committee.
Q: I want to get my company involved with RCA. What is available for us?
A: Companies can earn valuable exposure through RCA’s Partnership Program, which offers opportunities at many levels in price points ranging from $1,500 to $25,000 plus. In addition, many opportunities exist with the RCA Conference, regional events, other offerings.
Q: How can I tell a friend about RCA?
A: Send your friends or colleagues a link to our website,
Still have questions? Please contact RCA Headquarters at