RCA Publications

Culinology: The Intersection of Culinary Art and Food Science

Research Chefs Association members (Author), J. Jeffrey Cousminer (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-119-19360-9 | March 2016 | 432 pages

Written by an author team of 57 Culinology® professionals from the Research Chefs Association, the first edition of Culinology: The Intersection of Culinary Art and Food Science was published in 2016; a second edition is planned for 2026. This useful resource demonstrates how the disciplines of culinary arts and food science work hand in hand in the research and development of newly manufactured food products for the commercial, retail, and foodservice industries. Available in hardcover and as a downloadable ebook, this book provides provides essential knowledge for those developing successful food products on a large scale.

 > Available from Amazon or Wiley Publishing

 cover of Culinology textbook


Culinology Under Quarantine

Research Chef Association members (Author), Lindsay Perry (Editor), Tamara Gabler (Editor), Kyle Stuart (Editor), Jaime Mestan (Foreword)
ISBN: 979-8665032559 | November 2020 | 145 pages

We all know that food brings people together. Culinology Under Quarantine is a cookbook compilation of sorts, stitched together with original recipes and formulas created and written by members of the Research Chefs Association during their time under quarantine. With everyone having to stay home, our members were busy creating and showcasing mouthwatering meals and quarantine cocktails on multiple platforms. RCA captured this historic moment in time in a paperback cookbook with recipe submissions of all types from our members.

 > Available from Amazon

cover of cookbook