About Latest News Meet Board Member–Rosemary Trout, M.S. in Food Science and Biotechnology

Meet Board Member–Rosemary Trout, M.S. in Food Science and Biotechnology

Haley Carson • Jun 18, 2017

Rosemary Trout serves on the RCA Board of Directors. She is the department head of Culinary Arts and Food Science and an instructor of Food Science at Drexel University.

Rosemary's area of expertise includes food labeling and regulations, food safety and sanitation, food service, manufacturing and processing and sensory evaluation.

Get to know Rose, find out what made her want to become a board member, what she loves most about RCA and her favorite meal.

What made you want to become a board member?  

The relationships that I made during my first conference in Portland OR in 2014 made an impression on me. I’ve been to other association meetings and the connections, friendships, information sharing and active industry interest are outstanding at Research Chefs. I wanted to be on the Board so that I could help to inform my students about the opportunities RCA offered and to let Board members and other RCA members know what the next generation of food professionals was looking for. As a Board member, I thought I would be able to help make that bridge complete.

What is your favorite thing about RCA?  

Relationships – by far!

What is your favorite meal?  

The truth is any meal with my husband Joe is my favorite! It’s hard to choose, but I’m a purist, so a delicious Margherita pizza always hits the spot! On the other end of the spectrum, I love my Mom’s pot roast with mashed potatoes, gravy and coleslaw. I also love grilled fish. I think I prefer the simple and pure things rather than some of the fancier meals I’ve had.