About Latest News Meet Board Member – Paul Rockwell, CEC, CFS

Meet Board Member – Paul Rockwell, CEC, CFS

Haley Carson • May 23, 2017

Paul Rockwell serves as treasurer for the RCA Board of Directors.

Paul is a executive research and development chef for Diversified Foods & Seasonings.

Paul has over 12 years experience as a restaurant chef in establishments in North Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana ranging from down home BBQ to white tablecloth classic French. He has worked in research and development within the poultry, sauces, and seasoning industries. 

Get to know Paul, find out what made him want to become a board member, what he loves most about RCA and his favorite meal.

What made you want to become a board member?  

I wanted to give back to an organization that has helped me immensely. I also wanted to learn more about the RCA and it’s inner workings, and I felt that getting more involved would help my career that much more.

What is your favorite thing about RCA?  

The people. The food R&D community has become like a huge group of good friends to me, that’s the main reason why I LOVE the conference, it’s like running into one friend after another all week!

What is your favorite meal?  
It is crawfish season in south Louisiana where I live, so a crawfish boil is at the top of the list right now. Eastern NC BBQ, Thai curries, and a well done cassoulet are favorites as well!