About Latest News Meet Board Member – Kami R. Smith, C.E.P.C.

Meet Board Member – Kami R. Smith, C.E.P.C.

Haley Carson • Jun 26, 2017

Kami Smith serves on the RCA Board of Directors. She is the director of culinary showcasing at Pecan Deluxe Candy Company.

Kami worked in production for 5 years, where she received experience in 5-star dining restaurants, high-volume hotel, education, resort, and running a community/ college-sponsored bakery. She also worked under the manufacturing umbrella in corporate world for 12 years and is certified through the American Culinary Federation, as a C.E.P.C.- Certified Executive Pastry Chef.

Get to know Kami, find out what made her want to become a board member, what she loves most about RCA and her favorite meal.

What made you want to become a board member?  

I have been a member of the RCA, and have grown to love the community and industry, that I felt it a wonderful place to volunteer and exercise my skills in the areas of communication, organization, and 'knitting.'  Ha!  I know what you're thinking-- I'm not a knitter by trade, nor is the RCA a bunch of knitting peeps, but a mentor in the beginning of my career told me I had the gift of 'knitting' people together, i .e., connecting unlikely people together. He always called me "The Knitter."  So, though many call it networking – I call it knitting. I am very happy to continue to push myself, build my career, enjoy old and new friendships, and work in the coolest industry on the planet. 

What is your favorite thing about RCA?  

My favorite thing about the RCA is the community of acceptance. It doesn't matter who you are, what school you attended or didn't, what level you've mastered in your career, or what products you develop or sell, all facets of the food industry are welcome and appreciated. I feel like I flourished in the RCA. Permission to be myself! 

What is your favorite meal?  

Growing up in a Syrian home, my family always prepared the typical Syrian-Lebanese foods. Though I'm quite aware of American traditions, the idea of turkey and dressing for Thanksgiving holiday was considered the side dish. My favorite meal then, and still today, is Kibbeh. Many ways to prepare it but my favorite is the raw version. Freshly ground beef (some use lamb, but my mother never did), puréed onions, cumin spice, salt, and soaked bulgur cracked wheat.  Mix by hand and let sit to develop flavor. Every weekend we would have 'the family' over and the grand meal was prepared. Form the kibbeh into a ball, then press into the shape of a bowl, serve with melted butter poured in the center, onions and voila!  Heaven!