About Latest News Meet Board Member – Erich Chieca

Meet Board Member – Erich Chieca

Haley Carson • Jun 06, 2017

Erich Chieca serves on the RCA Board of Directors.

Erich is passionate about flavor and customer satisfaction; with a strong record of creative profitable sales and product launches for multiple industry leaders in the foodservice segment and industrial ingredient segment.

Get to know Erich, find out what made him want to become a board member, what he loves most about RCA and his favorite meal.

What made you want to become a board member?  

The desire to be part of a dynamic team of individuals looking to work together to grow the food industry.

What is your favorite thing about RCA?  

The networking and relationships I have developed over the years of being a RCA member.

What is your favorite meal?  

Without hesitation really creative and well done breakfast items. From perfect bacon and eggs to fancy benedict’s – I simply enjoy a great breakfast!